Eat This: Peas Potage Pasty

So good, that’s all that remains…

“Pease pudding hot, pease pudding cold…” You may know the subject of this nursery rhyme as “pease porridge” (depending on where you are), but even if you call it something different, that thick, hearty soup made from split peas is just the kind of healthy comfort food that’s fit for cold weather. Put it into a buttery homemade crust, and you have a hand-held delight!

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Around the Farm: Who’s Looking at Whom?

It happened in a bucket just like this one…

One morning, as I filled one of several five gallon buckets for the geese, I noticed a sunflower seed spinning around and around in the eddy created by the water. We feed black oil sunflower seeds as treats to the poultry, so seeing one in a bucket is not usually cause for alarm. Until you realize that it’s not a seed at all.

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Daily Wonder: A Perplexing Pod

A seed pod?

The universe – or Mother Nature? – has an incredible way of snapping us out of our own self-absorbed reveries and grounding us in the present. Today, as I finished the morning chores and was hosing off my boots, I looked down and noticed that there was some kind of pod nestled in the grass. It was the same color as the grass, but the oblong shape drew my attention. I needed to find out more about this strange object.

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Farm Fowl: Beatrix The Hunter **Warning: Graphic Photos**

You may already know that chickens are omnivorous opportunists and, given the chance, they’ll devour a variety of protein sources: I’ve seen chickens chase down and eat small frogs (wince), along with a variety of insects. Recently, we were very surprised to see one of our hens running around with an unusual “treat” in her beak.

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