Eat This: Peas Potage Pasty

So good, that’s all that remains…

“Pease pudding hot, pease pudding cold…” You may know the subject of this nursery rhyme as “pease porridge” (depending on where you are), but even if you call it something different, that thick, hearty soup made from split peas is just the kind of healthy comfort food that’s fit for cold weather. Put it into a buttery homemade crust, and you have a hand-held delight!

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Farm Fresh: Eggs In Oyster Sauce Rice Bowl

J. Bond’s favorite eggs

As is expected at this time of year, egglaying has slowed in our flock. I don’t begrudge the girls their break from this resource-intensive task, and I don’t artificially light their areas to encourage them to resume laying. All things in their time. The eggs we do collect, though, are still lovely and delicious, and they make a tasty one bowl meal!

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