In The Incubator: Managing Multiple Hatches

Yep, the top is upside down (on purpose) and don’t believe the digital temperature displayI use two independent thermometers to get an accurate reading

It’s the hatching season…well, I hatch year-round, but this is the busiest time of the year for hatching! With multiple incubators and hatchers, eggs with different incubation needs and hatch dates, it can be a challenge keeping on top of everything that needs to be done. In this post, I’ll share some tips for staying abreast of the many tasks associated with setting groups of eggs at different times.

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Rave: Another Company Does It Right –

Go big or go home!

You may already know that I occasionally rant about crummy service or poor quality goods from companies or sellers – but I also like to give credit where it’s due. Most recently, I placed an order for nutritional yeast with a company from which I’d purchased the yeast previously, and was impressed with the consistently positive experience. Unusual these days, it seems…

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